The Small School Advantage

I spent most of my young life in a small Christian environment- and I loved it. I knew everyone in the entire high school by name, and I probably knew the names of their parents, pets, and siblings, too. Covenant Christian Academy gifted me with a beautifully small and intimate environment. My graduating class had 36 people who I knew well. While some argue that CCA’s smaller environment limited the opportunities I had access to, it expanded my opportunities.


I’m sure you’ve heard the argument a thousand times that smaller schools allow stronger student-teacher relationships. I know I have reaped those benefits. But let’s take a moment to think about the importance of this for young children. Positive student-teacher relationships regulate students’ emotions, improve their academic performance, make students feel safer, and improve their relationships with their peers.

In my time at CCA, I can’t begin to explain the impact my teachers had on me. They let me cry on their shoulders, gave me a hug on my toughest days, and celebrated my achievements with me. When my mother was in the hospital, Mrs. Risley spent her own money so I wouldn’t miss important senior year deadlines. When I found out a girl on my volleyball team had died, Mrs. Covington let me sit in the rain with my thoughts. When I was elected to a student council position, Mrs. Lewis jumped for joy and hugged me. In insurmountable little ways, my teachers shaped me into who I am today, and in my darkest moments, I fall back on the lessons they gave me.


Participation in sports teams has proven to impact children and teens positively. Not only does it improve their physical health, but sports can also improve their self-esteem and mental health while lowering their risk of anxiety and depression. Of course, everything should be done in moderation.

I was an extremely shy kid. I would have never signed up for sports teams in a bigger setting, much less tried out for them. At CCA, I could participate in several sports without any experience. As a junior, my friends and I decided to sign up for volleyball for fun. We didn’t have any experience, but we were able to play and have fun. These sports gave me an outlet and strengthened my relationships. It was the perfect opportunity to grow closer to different people and learn healthy habits. I remember a coach asked me when I was a sophomore to try cross-country, and I laughed. Today, I discovered a love of running and completed my first half-marathon. It’s funny how sometimes teachers just know.


Did you know that extracurricular activities help students form a positive self-worth? Small-group interactions help students’ test scores, attendance, and leadership skills and decrease the likelihood of being involved in problem behavior. It may seem like there are more extracurricular opportunities at a bigger school. However, because of CCA’s smaller environment, there are more opportunities and less competition for extracurricular roles.

The beauty of CCA’s House Council System is that rather than having one leadership team, there’s a set of leadership teams for every house. Not only are the houses a great way to bond with your peers, but they also provided me with a great opportunity for leadership. As a junior in high school, I served as Chaplain of my house. The following year, I was elected as the Prefect of my house. In a huge public school, I would have felt crippled by the number of competitors running for positions. However, I knew everyone at CCA and felt confident in my ability.

It’s a misconception that bigger schools have more opportunities for students. It was because of my smaller environment at CCA that I had the opportunities I did in school. I was able to form close relationships with my teachers, participate without pressure in athletics, and excel in extracurricular activities. If you’re nervous that sending your child to a small school will inhibit them, know I am successful today because of my small school.

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