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Covenant Christian.
The Most Important Questions to Ask about Private School
We’re all familiar with FAQ’s ( Frequently Asked Questions) on websites or instruction pages, but when it comes...
Inscribing Scripture on Your Child’s Heart
Sawdust covered almost everything in His dad’s carpenter shop. Did He scribble in the shavings the Hebrew words...
What Really Happens When Parents Coach from the Stands?
As a parent of an athlete, why is it so hard to be a fan on the sidelines at games? Game Changer After playing or...
Books to Help Children with Grief and Loss
by Lisa Schreiber The strings of pink and blue balloons softly slipped through the fingers of each one gathered on the...
Trusting God to Fill in the Gaps
The planks arrived and it was a fixer-upper day! The bedroom was getting a new floor! As we installed each plank and...
7 Important Identity Words to Speak Over Your Children
Your son’s hand is up so high. “Pick me!!” Now, he’s waving his arm back and forth because this is his chance...
How 529 Saving Plans Can Help Pay for Private School
If your child attends a K-12 private school, there is no federal tax deduction or credit you qualify for...