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Covenant Christian.
7 Reasons Your Child Should Read the Bible
Nine out of ten households own a Bible. However, very few families actually dust off their Bible for regular reading....
What CCA Means to the Cross Family
We enrolled our daughter in CCA 8 years ago. She has walked the Pre Grammar and Grammar school halls, and now Logic...
One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus!
My grandmother became a widow at a young age and was left alone to raise four young children and run the family funeral...
Gentle and Lowly in Heart
In today’s social and political climate, we as Christians have the prime opportunity to model the heart of Jesus to...
The Real Reason Teachers Choose to Teach
My daughter recently asked a room full of women if they remembered what they had for lunch yesterday. A few hands...
How to Afford Private School on a Budget
Every year, thousands of parents pay for private education for their children. They are not all millionaires. Many...
Shakespeare’s The Tempest: Director’s Note
The heart of any great work of art or literature is its ability to communicate, reflect, and comment on the human...
Why You Should Take Your Kids to Church
If your childhood was anything like mine, you probably have memories of piling into the family vehicle ( likely a...
Does Your Middle School Child Have Too Much Homework?
Nobody really LIKES homework. Students dislike it in general. Parents dislike it when it cuts into family time and...
Why It’s Okay to Be Late Sometimes
According to the Internet test prep site Magoosh: “Eighty-six percent of high school students said they procrastinate...