CCA Student Spotlight: Matthew Boughton
Meet Matthew Boughton, a standout senior at Covenant Christian Academy, who has impressed many with his athletic ability, work ethic, and love of Jesus Christ. As a member of the baseball team, Matthew has demonstrated both talent and commitment, always striving to do his best. He will continue his baseball career next year as a Texas A&M Aggie, where he will be studying Sports Management. Gig Em!

Matthew is not only a uniquely talented athlete but also one of the hardest workers I have ever seen from a young athlete. He exemplifies what happens when talent meets effort. Psychologist and researcher Angela Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals… sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years.” I see this in Matthew. He is committed to improving when no one is watching and determined to keep growing. Many talented young athletes become complacent, relying on their natural ability instead of putting in the work. But Matthew is different, he combines talent with relentless effort. I am excited to see where the Lord takes him on this journey.
Aaron Russo – CCA Athletic Director
Matthew is not only talented in baseball. He won a state championship the first time he tried track and field. Matthew stated, “I learned I can achieve anything if I put enough work into it. I learned a lot about myself in the adversity I had to overcome with trying something this new.”

Matthew is more than just an athlete. Math is his favorite subject; he loved reading Dante’s Inferno and The Great Gatsby. He loves spending time with his family and treasures his trip to Japan with them to visit his grandparents. Matthew looks up to his parents every day and values the sacrifices they have made to support, teach, and give him the best opportunities in life.

Matthew loves the Lord with all his heart. When asked about his faith, Matthew said, ” Jesus means everything to me and brings me life daily. Jesus is where I lay my foundation and how I live and breathe. I give all credit to Jesus in every aspect of my life. “

From my early observation of Matthew as a sophomore, he has a deep reverence for God, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. From this foundation (“Fear of God”), it has shaped every decision that Matthew makes in class, in the sports field, in family, and in life. I really see that integrity, dignity, humility, excellence and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit flow in and out of Matthew’s heart because Matthew cherishes and obeys his Lord Jesus Christ.
Frank Dang- CCA High School Bible and Math Teacher
As Matthew prepares to graduate, there’s no doubt he will continue to achieve great things.
Matthew, your CCA family can’t wait to watch you achieve your dream of playing professional baseball. We will always be your biggest fans!