What is the Cougar Athletic Booster Club?
The Athletic Booster Club provides CCA parents who are passionate about athletics the opportunity to donate their time, talent, and treasure to improve CCA’s athletic programs. At the beginning of every school year, parents are given the opportunity to join the Athletic Booster Club. The Booster Club supports our athletic department to create even stronger programs for our students and improve their overall athletic experiences.
Please read below to learn more about the Cougar Athletic Booster Club and prayerfully consider how your family might show your support of CCA Athletics!

Renewing your support?
Head straight to our online sponsorship form.
cougar athletic
booster club presidents
Adrianne Kruse
Jennelle Guerra
The purpose of the COUGAR ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB is to provide the capital, volunteer, and prayer support necessary to maintain the standard of excellence set by CCA Athletics and to invest in future program growth.
Submit your form by September 1 for full membership benefits.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum $5000
- 2 All-Season Sports Passes
- 2 VIP seats at any/all CCA VARSITY HOME sporting event (bleacher seat provided)
- 1 VIP Parking Spot along Football Field Fence Line
- Logo in Game Day Programs
- Logo on Banners around Football/Soccer & Baseball Fields
- Logo on video screens in Redeemer Gym
- Logo on Hudl streamed home games
- Logo on CCA Athletics Instagram
- “Cougar Credit” – $10 Concessions coupon to each game
- EXCLUSIVE Tailgate Party during one football game
- CCA SWAG (Tailgate Blanket, Stanley Tumbler, YETI Cooler)
- 3 Free Dress Days
Diamond $2500
- 2 All-Season Sports Passes
- 2 VIP seats at any/all CCA VARSITY HOME sporting event (bleacher seat provided)
- Logo in Game Day Programs
- Logo on video screens in Redeemer Gym
- “Cougar Credit” – $10 Concessions coupon to each game
- EXCLUSIVE Tailgate Party during one football game
- CCA SWAG (Tailgate Blanket, Stanley Tumbler, YETI Cooler)
- 2 Free Dress Days
Black $1000
- All-Season Sports Pass
- Stanley Tumbler
- Tailgate Blanket
- YETI Cooler
- 3 Free Dress Days
Blue $500
- All-Season Sports Pass
- Stanley Tumbler
- Tailgate Blanket
- 2 Free Dress Days
Orange $250
- All-Season Sports Pass
- CCA Tumbler
- 1 Free Dress Day
Silver $150 (Grandparent Only)
- All-Season Sports Pass
White $100 (Faculty & Staff Only)
- All-Season Sports Pass