Meet Our Head of School
Chuck Evans
Degree: BA, Washington Bible College & MA, Hollins University
leadership Experience: 26 years
Chuck has worked in independent schooling for more than twenty-six years, having previously served as the Head of School for Regents School in Austin, Texas and Faith Christian in Roanoke, Virginia. In addition, he has provided strategic consulting and professional development for dozens of independent and parochial schools across the country.
The former Executive Director of the Texas Private Schools Association, Chuck has worked as a lobbyist, advocating in the Texas State Legislature on private school issues. He is also a former member of the State CAPE Network of state-wide political advocates and has worked as a state-certified mediator. Most recently, Chuck collaborated as a co-founder of the Council on Educational Standards and Accountability and served on the CESA board’s executive committee.
Chuck is the co-author with Robert Littlejohn of Wisdom and Eloquence: A Christian Paradigm for Classical Learning (Crossway 2006), and he contributed a chapter to a work on Christian schooling entitled Building a Better School: Essays on Exemplary Christian School Leadership (Paideia 2012).
Chuck also teaches in the graduate program for independent school leadership at Vanderbilt University/Peabody College. Chuck holds a Masters degree in Liberal Studies from Hollins University and a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and Education from Washington Bible College.

CCA Leadership
Myrandi Ballesteros
Early Childhood and Elementary School Principal
BA, Dallas Baptist University
M.Ed, Dallas Baptist University
Myrandi Ballesteros
Early Childhood and Elementary School Principal
I grew up in East Texas in the Rose Capitol of the World, Tyler. Strangely enough, my name, Myrandi, is actually the name of a rose, the Mirandy rose. After high school, I moved to the big city to attend Dallas Baptist University on an Art Scholarship. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree (not in Art, by the way, but in Christian Education), married the love of my life, and taught kindergarten while completing my Master’s degree from DBU. Victor and I have two beautiful daughters, Brynlee (24) and Maycee (21), who both graduated from CCA, love Jesus, and seek to serve Him daily in their jobs and lives. My dear husband went to live with the Lord in November 2021 after a valiant battle with pancreatic cancer. The journey God has me on today was definitely not what I was expecting, but there is joy and blessing in trusting His plan and walking in faith.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An artist and a teacher
Why do you choose to work at CCA? I felt called to Christian Education. After interviewing for an open position, I was immediately drawn to the philosophy/mission and like-minded community.
What is one fun fact about you? I have never had a cup of coffee. I took one sip and realized very quickly that I didn’t like the taste, and the smell gives me a headache.
What is your favorite book of all time? Besides the Bible? When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin.The story is powerful, speaks to my soul, and reminds me that God can redeem any situation, circumstance, or person.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? A reminder of my husband, the smile and hug from a CCA student (or a piece of chocolate!)
What do you like to do for fun? Hanging out with my daughters; playing games with friends; doing puzzles; playing pickleball; reading; watercolor painting
Travis Niemeyer
Middle School Principal
BBA, University of North Texas
MS, University of Texas Arlington
Travis Niemeyer
Middle School Principal
I was born and raised in Garland, Texas by two wonderful Christian parents who taught me about Christ and modeled how to walk with Him daily. After graduating from Lakeview Centennial High School, I spent a year at junior college before transferring to the University of North Texas. At this time in my life, I quit seeking the Lord and instead did what was wise in my own 19-year-old eyes. For me, that meant trying to find a career with high salary potential, so I majored in marketing. After a series of different sales jobs, I ended up selling school library books which took me into elementary and middle schools day after day. As I walked down the halls surrounded by kids, I was overcome by joy and the odd feeling that I was home. As I prayed, I became convinced that God was calling me to teach, something I had never really considered before. After getting my teaching certificate, I was hired by a friend from church to teach 5th-grade American history and Language Arts at Timberline Elementary. Ironically, my move to teaching and the lower salary required a second job running the weeknight preschool program at Fellowship Church. There, I met a beautiful young teacher, Michelle Baker, who also joined the preschool staff to make some extra money. Not long afterward, she became Mrs. Michelle Niemeyer. The friend who hired me at Timberline Elementary left to become a middle school principal five years later and convinced me to join his staff there. After teaching for ten years, I again felt God’s calling, but this time into school administration. I am so excited to join CCA’s amazing middle school staff and the CCA family.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? The first baseman for the Yankees
Why do you choose to work at CCA? I love the community of CCA. Michelle and I have been CCA parents for nine years and still have friends that began when Asher was in Pre-K 3. We have grown as parents with these friends and met many others over the years. I have told people before that one of the reasons I’m so excited about coming to CCA is that I can build a much deeper relationship with the kids and their families.
What is one fun fact about you? I am an award-winning gardener. I won two awards for my tomatoes years ago from Calloway’s Nursery (the fact that I was the only entry is purely inconsequential).
What is your favorite book of all time? As someone who loves books and reading, this is an impossible question but also one I can’t resist. Books are a passion for me. I love reading them, discussing them, and quoting them. So picking one favorite book is like picking your favorite child. In 5th grade, my teacher read Where the Red Fern Grows each day before lunch, and I loved it. However, like many boys, I was too busy and active in middle school to spend much time reading. However, Huck Finn was the book that ignited my love for reading. Wild at Heart was read at a time when I needed to be challenged not to play it safe but to make bold steps of faith. The Book Whisperer and In the Middle transformed how I taught. And The Divine Conspiracy and Celebration of Discipline challenged me to go deeper in my faith.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? A great worship song
What do you like to do for fun? Most anything outdoors – disc golf, hiking, camping, fishing, hunting
Amy Pryor
High School Principal
BA, University of Texas at Arlington
M.Ed., University of Texas Arlington
Amy Pryor
High School Principal
I am a native Texan with a B.A. in History and Elementary Education and an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from the University of Texas at Arlington. I spent almost twenty years in public education as a teacher, interventionist, administrator, and consultant. I began at CCA as a 7th and 8th-grade English teacher. I have served as English Department Chair and am now the high school’s principal. I am a proud parent of two CCA graduates. I am privileged to work in a place that has given so much to my own children and family.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher
Why do you choose to work at CCA? I believe God has placed me here, and I am passionate about communicating his truth to the students he entrusts to us. I am honored to have the opportunity to educate them well while pointing them to Christ.
What is one fun fact about you? I was employed as a professional violinist during my first two years of college.
What is your favorite book of all time? Ask a former English teacher this question, and you get a paragraph! My favorite childhood book was The Snowy Day because I can still remember trying to figure out what happened to that snowball as my father read it to me. My favorite novel to teach children is Number the Stars because it is a beautiful story of courage and commitment. My favorite book in college was Pride and Prejudice because it taught me the value of classic literature. And the most influential book I have read as an adult is Mere Christianity because it strengthened my testimony of faith.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? Visiting a CCA humanities classroom or interacting with our high school students
What do you like to do for fun? Travel
Sheila McDoniel
Chief Operating Officer
BBA, Abilene Christian University
Sheila McDoniel
Chief Operating Officer
I grew up in Dallas/Fort Worth and have lived here my whole life, with the exception of my time at Abilene Christian University, where I received my BBA in Marketing. Our family has been at CCA since 2002, and my three children have graduated here (Reagan ’15, Maci ’21, & Spencer ’24). For many years, I volunteered in all different areas of the school, including Booster Club, Room Mom Coordinator, and leading the Auction for nine years. I then came on staff and have been here since 2014. It is so cool to see my years of experience in Corporate America, volunteering, and even as an entrepreneur all come together in the COO role the Lord has placed me in at CCA.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Singer
Why do you choose to work at CCA? Because I am passionate about what we do here and the results I see from a Covenant education!
What is one fun fact about you? One Summer in college, I traveled around the US in a singing group of 5, where our goal was to promote Christian education. I guess that was a foreshadowing of what God had for me here.
What is your favorite book of all time? Love Does by Bob Goff – It inspires me to love like Jesus and not worry about what could/should happen.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? Coffee and time with a fun friend
What do you like to do for fun? Travel and spend time with family/friends!
Julie Krull
Chief Financial Officer
BBA, University of North Texas
MBA, Louisiana State University
Julie Krull
Chief Financial Officer
I was born and raised in Whitehouse, a small town outside of Tyler; my parents still live there and have been married for 53 years. I moved to the DFW area in the mid-’90s to finish my degree at UNT in Denton; I graduated from UNT in August of 1998 with a Bachelor of Business Administration. I worked in the car business for 12 years, starting in sales and ending in the finance office as the Director of Finance. In 2008 I left the car business to work at a University Model School in Denton, where I was the Business Administrator for 13 years. I married my husband, Chris, in 2008, and we have one daughter, Emily, who is a competitive gymnast. We reside in Colleyville with our Labrador Murray and a pocket black kitty.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher
Why do you choose to work at CCA? Before CCA, I was driving 80 miles to work round trip, and after 13 years, it started to wear me out, making me bitter and tired. I was struggling to balance my family and work life. I prayed for a change, and God opened the door at CCA- I had previously worked with Dr. Jeffrey at another school and learned so much from his leadership. Being at CCA allows me to work and grow with like-minded Christian colleagues, it helps balance my family life, and I now drive in a week what I was driving in a day. Working here allows me to grow in my relationship with Christ both on the professional and personal side.
What is one fun fact about you? I’ve purposely ran three marathons- one of which was the New York City Marathon.
What is your favorite book of all time? Oh goodness- just one? The Circle Maker: Praying Circles by Mark Batterson -This book shows the wonderful power of prayer. Lemons on Friday is another good one- this covers the various levels of grief and that it is ok to experience any grief. I love history-type books for learning and memoirs for great mind escapes.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? Good coffee and words of affirmation
What do you like to do for fun? I enjoy snow skiing, being outdoors, working out, and spending time with my family.
Christine Barry
Director of Development
BBA, Texas Tech University
Christine Barry
Director of Development
I grew up in Odessa with my mom. I am an only child. My town was the focus of the movie Friday Night Lights (true story about Permian Panthers football team). I love football for that reason. I went to Texas Tech University where I obtained my Bachelor of Administration with a focus on Management. I moved to DFW and eventually worked for a company as a Regional Business Development Manager for over 10 years. I have 2 children who attend CCA, and our family loves this school! As I drive to the school every morning to drop off the kids, I have to pinch myself that now I am here every day and get to be a part of making this wonderful school a success.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A lawyer
Why do you choose to work at CCA? When my daughter started in PK3 (11 years ago), I fell in love with the school and hoped one day that my work experiences would somehow fit within the CCA administration.
What is one fun fact about you? I collect Foam Fingers that you get from any sporting events.
What is your favorite book of all time? Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. Walt was such an amazing and innovative man of his time and his imagination was beyond anything ever seen. Plus, I have loved Mickey Mouse since I was a little girl!
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? A compliment
What do you like to do for fun? I like shopping and being with friends hanging out.
Aaron Russo
Athletic Director
Head Girls Basketball Coach
BS, Dallas Baptist University
M.Ed., Dallas Baptist University
Aaron Russo
Athletic Director
Head Girls Basketball Coach
I received my Bachelor of Science in Sports Management and Marketing from Dallas Baptist University. After graduating, I accepted a role as a Graduate Assistant in Sports Information while working on my Master’s in Educational Leadership and teaching and coaching in Birdville ISD. Upon completing my Master’s program, I returned to my hometown school to teach AP Physics and coach basketball and cross country. After a few years, I transitioned to assistant principal and then principal, all within the Liberty Hill ISD school district. Now, I am grateful to take on the role I have aimed for since college. I am honored to serve our CCA community as Athletic Director.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? As a child, I knew I wanted to work in sports. I envisioned myself in sports marketing, as a sports agent, or in some capacity within the sports industry.
Why do you choose to work at CCA? We have the opportunity to use our position, power, and platform in sports to make a positive difference in our players’ lives at CCA, all rooted in Biblical principles.
What is one fun fact about you? I taught AP Physics without ever taking physics in college.
What is your favorite book of all time? Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth because it profoundly enriches the understanding of the psychology behind maximizing the potential of those you work with. It challenges and refines my approach to various aspects of my work.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? The laugh or smile of my children.
What do you like to do for fun? This may sound cliché, but I enjoy watching sports. I also still enjoy playing various sports, being near water, fishing, hiking, or going to a good movie.
Mary Lou Crist
Elementary Music Teacher
Performing Arts Director
BA, West Texas A&M University
Mary Lou Crist
Elementary Music Teacher
Performing Arts Director
I’m thrilled to be a part of the wonderful community at Covenant Christian Academy as the Elementary Music Teacher and Performing Arts Director. I am a proud Texan. Originally from Amarillo, I’ve called DFW home for the past 18 years. With 26 years of experience teaching choral music and 23 years in Christian education, music has always been my passion and calling.After high school, I was fortunate to receive a full scholarship to study vocal performance at Arizona State University. My journey eventually brought me back to Texas, where I earned my Bachelor of Music in Opera from West Texas A&M University. I have taught K-12 music, middle and high school choir, and band. For 15 years, I had the privilege of serving as the Director of Fine Arts and Choral Music at Fort Worth Christian School. I have been happily married to my husband, Lyle, for 35 years. We have four grown children, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, four delightful grandchildren, and three beloved dogs. Above all, I am grateful for the opportunity to share the beauty of music with my students and to celebrate the wonders of God’s creation through this universal language.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I always loved music class and singing when I was a child. It was my passion then, and it has continued throughout my life. I wanted to sing, and it led me to an amazing career.
Why do you choose to work at CCA? I have always believed that Christian education was the best choice for our own children, and I wanted to be a part of a classical Christian environment. Covenant Christian Academy is an excellent example of all that a classical Christian school has to offer and more!
What is one fun fact about you? My Dad named me after both of his sisters because he couldn’t choose just one. So, I essentially have two first names. Mary Lou and Helen. My aunts were honored, and I have always felt very loved.
What is your favorite book of all time? I love Mitch Albom’s Have a little Faith. It is a fantastic reminder of the goodness of God and the power of Faith in the lives of His believers.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? Talking to my children and grandchildren can make even the most challenging day better! I also enjoy the greeting of my three precious dogs when I come home at the end of a long day.
Carina Covington
High School Art Teacher
Visual Arts Director
BFA, Abilene Christian University
Carina Covington
High School Art Teacher
Visual Arts Director
I received a bachelor’s degree in two-dimensional design from Abilene Christian University in 2005. I started teaching art at Covenant Christian Academy in 2006. My greatest passion is helping students develop their style and find their “artistic voice.” My husband Chris and I have been married for 17 years and have two sons that attend CCA. We live on 5 acres and enjoy taking care of our small garden and farm animals, including horses, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, dogs, cats, and even donkeys. We are involved with the special needs ministry at our church and love working with these kids on the weekends. I grew up as a missionary kid and love serving others and sharing Jesus with them.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An artist
Why do you choose to work at CCA? Because they value fine arts
What is one fun fact about you? I know how to milk goats.
What is your favorite book of all time? Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? My family
What do you like to do for fun? Spend time with my boys out in nature
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees oversee the continuing operation of CCA and generally oversee CCA’s business affairs. The responsibilities of the Board include policy governance, hiring and firing of the Head of School pursuant to other provisions of the Bylaws, strategic planning, establishing tuition and fees, promoting Christian education in the community, fundraising, and annually contributing to CCA.
Board Members serve for 3 years and may serve a second successive 3-year term.
Rachel Ballard – Alumni and Full-Time Parent. Attends Church at the Cross.
Chad Biagini – President of Executive Search and Advisory, Excel Sports Management. Attends Gateway Church.
Aaron Cho – Chief Financial Officer, Eyemart Express. Attends Victory Church.
Mark Ganaway (Chairman) – General Director Forecasting and Strategic Planning, BNSF Railway. Attends 121 Community Church.
Corey Holtman – Co-Owner and Operator, Ranger Ridge Ranch. Attends Fellowship of the Parks Grapevine.
Ryan Longfield – Vice President of Revenue, Americas at Shopify. Attends Gateway Church
Chris Orona (Vice Chairman) – Senior Corporate Counsel, Kubota North America. Attends The Hills Church.
Dr. David Stroman – Physician. Attends Compass Christian Church.
Katie Tuttle – Former Educator and Full-Time Parent. Attends Compass Christian Church.
Jarrod Upton – Senior Consultant, Herbers & Co. Attends First Baptist Church of Grapevine.
Emris Varghese – Head of Digital Programs, Fidelity Investments. Attends Countryside Bible Church.